Papilloma virus is one of the most common infections, regardless of age group. The danger lies in the combination of infectious manifestations with the development of oncology. To avoid infection, you need to know how HPV is transmitted.

Routes of transmission of human papillomavirus
Papillomavirus is an infection present everywhere, due to its high contagiousness, the variety of virus types and its ability to remain unharmed in the environment, being present in the exfoliated keratinized cells of the epidermis. The disease remains in the body without manifestations, a person does not suspect for a long time that he is a carrier of HPV. The virus is dangerous because certain types present an oncogenic risk and are associated with cancer.
Human papillomavirus has many routes of infection and transmission through direct contact.
According to research, the main route of transmission of genital HPV is sexual contact. Both men and women can carry HPV. When infected during condomless sex with a virus carrier, the pathogen penetrates the basal layer of the stratified squamous epithelium and infects cells. It can be in the episomal state, not integrated into the genome of the host cell, or in the integrated (integrated) state. HPV is present in the epidermis in an inactive state. Despite the absence of clinical symptoms, the likelihood of infecting a partner remains. During sexual intercourse, microtrauma of the mucous membrane occurs, which contributes to the release of the pathogen to the surface and infection of the partner.
When condyloma appears, the contagious nature increases. The cells contain mature viral particles that bud on the surface of the mucosa or skin. Condyloma are dangerous, they are sources of HPV.
The occurrence of warts is typical of HPV 6 and 11 genotypes. They are found in 70% of cases of gynecology visits.
The growths due to this transmission mechanism have a characteristic location in the intimate area:
- external and internal genitalia;
- anal area;
- mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
In men, the head, foreskin and external opening of the urethra are affected. In women - the outer and inner labia, vagina, perineum and perianal region.
Removing genital warts is an important step in treatment that should not be overlooked.

Domestic way
You can become infected with HPV every day. It is typical for common warts, the place of appearance of which is the fingers, periungual ridges, external surface of the hands, forearm, face and other parts of the body. Members of the patient's family (parents, children) are affected. The papillomavirus reaches another person by using shared hygiene products (towel, shoes), shaking hands, wearing the same clothes, kissing.
There is a risk of infecting others by visiting crowded places. This applies to swimming pools, saunas, baths, where the risk of HPV transmission is high.
With a kiss
Sometimes any type of HPV is transmitted through a simple kiss, affecting the mucous membranes of the mouth and the skin of the face. Types 6 and 11 most commonly affect the mouth. They are found in 90% of cases with genital warts. Strains 2, 16, 18, 33 may appear, with varying degrees of oncogenicity.
Saliva contains infected exfoliated epithelium. During a kiss, part of the skin penetrates the body of the other. Transmission of infection occurs. Violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane contributes to infection. Minor injuries that occur when brushing teeth or eating hot, rough foods are not noticed in the oral cavity. This disrupts the local protection of biological barriers.
From mother to child
If the expectant mother was infected before pregnancy, then the disease may progress to advanced clinical signs during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. If these are common warts and there is no damage to the genitals, there is nothing to worry about. It is enough to constantly consult a doctor. If the genitals are affected, it is possible that the child may become infected while passing through the birth canal. The skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx and upper respiratory tract are affected. The disease can be recurrent and lead to papillomatosis, affecting the vocal cords and larynx.
Transmission to infants is not possible through milk during breastfeeding or through blood across the placenta.
Are papillomas on the body contagious?
The skin of the body is affected by common, flat plantar warts. Each of them differs in appearance and structure.
Transmission occurs through contact with affected skin. Promotes damage to the stratum corneum of the epidermis. HPV foci are located on the hands, the infection spreads quickly. The appearance of warts is caused by a type 2 virus, which presents a low oncogenic risk and is considered safe. Warts are characteristic of childhood and puberty. They usually go away on their own within two years.
Flat papillomas are caused by types 3 and 5. Typical locations are the face and hands. Characteristic of adolescence.
Plantar warts are caused by type 1. Appear in places of constant friction and pressure from shoes. It is transmitted through household contact through the use of shared shoes, foot towels and in swimming pools.
Normally, the body is not infected with these types of warts upon first contact due to local immunity. But transmission is possible after a flu or a cold.
Genital HPV is contracted in 60% of cases during first sexual contact. If a woman is infected, she is able to transmit the virus to 9 out of 10 of her partners. Due to the high contagiousness of condyloma, close contact and the appearance of microtrauma.

Can only one partner have HPV?
Only one partner can have HPV, but it is impossible to be 100% sure. People often do not suspect that they are infected due to a long incubation period, neglect contraception and infect their partner.
When a partner has a strong immune system, effective resistance to HPV is possible.
If the infection occurs in a latent state, the person does not suspect that he or she is ill. In this case, the virus is transmitted to the partner.
Is it possible to prevent infection?
Infection can be avoided by influencing the triggers that contribute to disease transmission. You must follow the rules:
- rarely change sexual partners;
- observe the rules of personal hygiene;
- Don't just use slippers, sheets and towels.
An effective method is vaccination. It is carried out from 9 to 26 years old, having not had HPV. Vaccination is carried out at older ages, if there is no carriage of the virus. To do this, a diagnostic method is used to determine the presence of papillomavirus DNA. There are two vaccines. They allow you to develop specific immunity and prevent infection with the most common and dangerous strains - 6, 11, 16 and 18. To vaccinate boys, one of the vaccines is used, the use ofsecond vaccine on men gave no results.
For the moment, only a few countries have added vaccines to the mandatory list (United States, United Kingdom).
Vaccines provide immunity for up to 5 years. Transfer is not possible during these years.
Prevention of complications
There are several steps to prevent the development of cancer in women:
- primary prevention;
- secondary;
- tertiary
Primary prevention methods include vaccination.
Secondary prevention consists of undergoing specialized medical examinations (dermatologist, gynecologist) in order to identify a precancerous condition in time (cervical erosion, dysplasia, polyps) and undergoing treatment.
Tertiary treatment includes a set of therapeutic measures for the treatment of clinical and subclinical forms of HPV, including drug treatment and hardware removal of growths.
Currently, vaccination is considered the most effective way to prevent the transmission of infection.